'Asteroid für die Pingpong-Platine
$crystal = 8000000
$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 64
$framesize = 64
Dim Leds(12) As Word
Dim X As Byte
Dim Y As Byte
Dim N As Word
Dim U As Word
Dim Licht As Word
Dim Fehler As Byte
Declare Sub Standby
Declare Sub Test
Declare Sub Initialisierung
Open "comb.4:9600,8,n,1,inverted" For Output As #1
Open "comb.5:9600,8,n,1,inverted" For Input As #2
Declare Sub Led1(byval X As Byte , Byval Y As Byte)
Declare Sub Led0(byval X As Byte , Byval Y As Byte)
Declare Sub Laser
Baud = 9600
Fehler = 0
For N = 1 To 12
Leds(n) = 0
Next N
Waitms 1000
Laser : If Licht > 300 Then Fehler = 1 'zu früh geschossen!
Leds(6) = &B0000100000
Waitms 1000
Laser : If Licht < 300 Then Fehler = 1 'nicht getroffen ...
Waitms 1000
Leds(5) = &B0000100000
Leds(6) = &B0001110000
Leds(7) = &B0000100000
Laser : If Licht < 300 Then Fehler = 1
Waitms 1000
Leds(3) = &B0000100000
Leds(4) = &B0001110000
Leds(5) = &B0011111000
Leds(6) = &B0111111100
Leds(7) = &B0011111000
Leds(8) = &B0001110000
Leds(9) = &B0000100000
Laser : If Licht < 300 Then Fehler = 1
Waitms 500
Leds(3) = &B0001110000
Leds(4) = &B0011111000
Leds(5) = &B0111111100
Leds(6) = &B0111111100
Leds(7) = &B0111111100
Leds(8) = &B0011111000
Leds(9) = &B0001110000
Laser : If Licht < 300 Then Fehler = 1
Waitms 200
Leds(2) = &B0001110000
Leds(3) = &B0011111000
Leds(4) = &B0111111100
Leds(5) = &B1111111110
Leds(6) = &B1111111110
Leds(7) = &B1111111110
Leds(8) = &B0111111100
Leds(9) = &B0011111000
Leds(10) = &B0001110000
Laser : If Licht < 300 Then Fehler = 1
Waitms 400
If Fehler = 1 Then
For N = 1 To 12
Leds(n) = &B1111111111
Next N
Waitms 3000
End If
If Fehler = 0 Then
Leds(1) = &B0000000000
Leds(2) = &B0001110000
Leds(3) = &B0011111000
Leds(4) = &B0111111100
Leds(5) = &B1111011110
Leds(6) = &B1110001110
Leds(7) = &B1111011110
Leds(8) = &B0111111100
Leds(9) = &B0011111000
Leds(10) = &B0001110000
Leds(11) = &B0000000000
Leds(12) = &B0000000000
Waitms 100
Leds(1) = &B0000000000
Leds(2) = &B0001110000
Leds(3) = &B0011111000
Leds(4) = &B0111011100
Leds(5) = &B1110001110
Leds(6) = &B1100000110
Leds(7) = &B1110001110
Leds(8) = &B0111011100
Leds(9) = &B0011111000
Leds(10) = &B0001110000
Leds(11) = &B0000000000
Leds(12) = &B0000000000
Leds(3) = &B0011111000
Leds(4) = &B0111011100
Leds(5) = &B1110001110
Leds(6) = &B1100000110
Leds(7) = &B1110001110
Leds(8) = &B0111011100
Leds(9) = &B0011111000
Leds(10) = &B0101111000
Leds(11) = &B0000000000
Leds(12) = &B0000000000
Waitms 100
Leds(1) = &B1000000001
Leds(2) = &B0101110100
Leds(3) = &B0010011000
Leds(4) = &B0101010100
Leds(5) = &B0010001000
Leds(6) = &B1100000110
Leds(7) = &B1010001010
Leds(8) = &B0001010000
Leds(9) = &B0001110000
Leds(10) = &B0100001000
Leds(11) = &B1000000010
Leds(12) = &B0000000000
Waitms 100
Leds(1) = &B1000000001
Leds(2) = &B0100000100
Leds(3) = &B0010011000
Leds(4) = &B0100000100
Leds(5) = &B0010001000
Leds(6) = &B1100000001
Leds(7) = &B1010001010
Leds(8) = &B0000000000
Leds(9) = &B0000000000
Leds(10) = &B0100001000
Leds(11) = &B1000000100
Leds(12) = &B1000000001
Waitms 100
For N = 1 To 12
Leds(n) = 0
Next N
Waitms 2000
End If
Loop Until Fehler = 1
'Obere Led-reihe Frei Als Sensor
Licht = Licht / 50
Y = Low(licht)
X = 6
Led1 X , Y
Waitms 500
Sub Laser
Loop Until Timer2 > 100
Portc.0 = 0
Ddrc.0 = 0
Waitms 1
Licht = Getadc(0)
'Print #1 , U
Ddrc.0 = 1
Portc.0 = 0
End Sub
For X = 1 To 12
For Y = 1 To 10
Led1 X , Y
Waitms 50
Next Y
Next X
For X = 1 To 12
For Y = 1 To 10
Led0 X , Y
Waitms 50
Next Y
Next X
Sub Led1(byval X As Byte , Byval Y As Byte)
If X < 13 Then
Select Case Y
Case 1 : Leds(x).9 = 1
Case 2 : Leds(x).8 = 1
Case 3 : Leds(x).7 = 1
Case 4 : Leds(x).6 = 1
Case 5 : Leds(x).5 = 1
Case 6 : Leds(x).4 = 1
Case 7 : Leds(x).3 = 1
Case 8 : Leds(x).2 = 1
Case 9 : Leds(x).1 = 1
Case 10 : Leds(x).0 = 1
End Select
End If
End Sub
Sub Led0(byval X As Byte , Byval Y As Byte)
If X < 13 Then
Select Case Y
Case 1 : Leds(x).9 = 0
Case 2 : Leds(x).8 = 0
Case 3 : Leds(x).7 = 0
Case 4 : Leds(x).6 = 0
Case 5 : Leds(x).5 = 0
Case 6 : Leds(x).4 = 0
Case 7 : Leds(x).3 = 0
Case 8 : Leds(x).2 = 0
Case 9 : Leds(x).1 = 0
Case 10 : Leds(x).0 = 0
End Select
End If
End Sub
'****************** Service-Unterprogramme *********************
Sub Initialisierung
Config Portc = 15 'PORTC als AD-Eingang
Config Portb = Output
Config Portd = 255
Config Timer2 = Timer , Prescale = 8
On Ovf2 Tim2_isr
Enable Timer2
Enable Interrupts
Start Timer2
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = 64 , Reference = Off
Start Adc
Config Int0 = Low Level 'Falling
On Int0 Int_isr
End Sub
Sub Standby
Stop Timer2
Portc = 0
Portd = 0
Portb = 0
Stop Adc
Ddrd.2 = 0
Portd.2 = 1
Enable Int0
Ddrd.2 = 1
Portd.2 = 0
Start Adc
Start Timer2
End Sub
Dim Vhelp As Word
Sub Test
For X = 1 To 12
Leds(x) = 1023
Next X
Waitms 1000
For X = 1 To 12
For Y = 1 To 12
Leds(y) = 0
Next Y
Leds(x) = 1023
Waitms 100
Next X
For Y = 1 To 10
For X = 1 To 12
Vhelp = Y - 1
Vhelp = 2 ^ Vhelp
Leds(x) = Vhelp
Next X
Waitms 100
Next Y
For X = 1 To 12
Leds(x) = 0
Next X
End Sub
Disable Int0
'******************************* Interrupt - Display ****************************
Dim Vy As Byte
Dim Col As Byte
Dim Portdout As Byte
Dim Portcout As Byte
'800 µs
'Timer2 = 56
Col = Col + 1
If Col = 13 Then Col = 1
Vy = Col + 0
Portd = 0
Portb = 0
Portc = 0
If Col = 1 Then Portb.4 = 0 Else Portb.4 = 1
Portb.3 = 1 'cl
Portb.3 = 0
Portb.2 = 1 'Str
Portb.2 = 0
Portdout = Low(leds(vy))
Portcout = Portdout And 15
Portdout = Portdout And 240
Portd = Portdout
Portc = Portcout
Portb = High(leds(vy))
'Waitms 500